presented by...
Joy Coulson
For years I struggled with Procrastination. I was constantly working long hours and still missing the deadlines, never having the confidence that my work was good enough. I was always thinking that I could have done more, or that something wasn't quite right. I felt that my work wasn't finished, or was sub-standard, so I was frequently beating myself up about it.
Tired of continuously feeling stressed and anxious I decided to conduct my own research to try and find out why I was facing an uphill battle all the time, and to find ways that would help me overcome my procrastination, so that I no longer felt stressed and anxious, but was able to get more done in less time.
What I discovered shocked me, for I was not alone. In fact around 80% of the population have struggled with procrastination at some point in their lives. That led me on a journey because if I found ways to overcome my procrastination habits then I can also help others overcome their procrastination habits too.
The different types of Procrastination that people have.
A breakdown of the main triggers that cause people to procrastinate.
Further tips to help you overcome your procrastination triggers.
Various tactics to help you to kick the old procrastination habits for good.
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